As we are just days before Christmas I thought I would dedicate twelve posts in the month of December to the people and elements in the biblical Christmas story. Each one of the 12 posts will focus on one person or element of the story.
With today being the first day, I thought I would start with the first person mentioned in Luke 1 relating to the biblical Christmas story – Zechariah.
Zechariah is fascinating to me because it’s a story of how God is faithful even when we have doubts.
Zechariah’s story is found in Luke 1:5-25. This passage tells us that Zechariah was a Levite, a priest and the husband of Elizabeth. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth are described as being “very old” and they were childless.
Zechariah was chosen to go into the temple of the Lord to burn incense and while he was doing that, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and told Zechariah that he and his wife Elizabeth were going to have a son. Zechariah was uncertain about the news Gabriel delivered to him and this is the point in the story where I have spent time meditating and praying.
After Zechariah asks Gabriel, “How can I be sure of this?” Gabriel tells Zechariah that because he did not believe Gabriel’s words, Zechariah would be unable to speak until John was born.
As I read this passage in Luke, Hebrews 11:6 ran through my head – “And without faith it is impossible to please God”. This was not an easy thing that Zechariah was told by Gabriel. Elizabeth is past her child-bearing years and she had never conceived a child. What Gabriel told Zechariah would happen seems to be an impossibility to Zechariah. Even with an angel physically standing in front of Zechariah – which I would think would be cause to believe, although I haven’t experienced seeing an angel – he has doubts that he and Elizabeth will have a son as Gabriel is saying.
I have been a Christian for over 30 years and I have seen God do some amazing things during that time, yet I still struggle sometimes with doubt. Even with starting this blog, I have struggled with doubt. Through prayer and meditation I have felt that I am supposed to be writing and that this blog is one of the places I am to write. Yet I still struggle with doubt. I have had doubts about being able to write anything that anyone will want to read, doubts about being able to handle the technology learning curve of managing a blog, doubts about how I will find the time in my already busy schedule to write, and doubts about being able to come up with relevant topics for a blog. There have been some days where I have felt overwhelmed and consumed with doubt.
Yet, God is faithful to complete what He starts in spite of our doubts. As I write this post about Zechariah, I’m seeing the blog site starting to come together. I’m learning how to do things I never thought I’d be able to figure out and I’m finding ways to create time to write. As I walk this journey of faith wrapping up the year of 2013, I am amazed at what God has done in my life and in those who are close to me. I’m pretty sure if I’d been told ahead of time all that God would do in my life this year, I would very likely have doubted and been just like Zechariah. And just like God did for Zechariah, working through him in spite of his doubt, God has done and is doing the same for me.
What I think is key in Zechariah’s story is that even though he doubted what Gabriel had told him, he still went home to his wife Elizabeth and together, they made a baby. Zechariah, even with his doubts took a step of action – and that’s faith in action.
I think taking action, taking that first step, and moving in the direction we’re being led, is the key to the miracle. There have been a few times in my life where I’ve dismissed something because I felt I couldn’t do it. You know the excuse – ‘Oh I could never do that!’ When God prompts us to do something – and we don’t do it – we miss miracle opportunities.
I’m so thankful that God continues to work through us and in us even when we have doubts. He is a God of miracles.
The Christmas season is a time when we celebrate the miracle birth of Jesus Christ. I would encourage you this Christmas season to spend a few moments thinking about the miracle we celebrate at Christmas and thinking about Zechariah’s story. And, I pray that you would have the courage to act without doubt in whatever the Lord is leading you to do – but if you still have doubt, then I pray that you will have the courage to act and take that first step in faith anyways!
Be blessed!